Apple Launches New iPad

March 9, 2012 | 05:26

Apple Launches New iPad' - Apple introduces the newest generation iPad has a number of benefits over features. But it's not iPad 3, as many people guessed busy lately.

new iPad introduced by Apple does not have a name such as iPad 2 previously advanced.

As reported detikINET (8/3/2012), Apple is surprisingly even just calling 'new iPad' for this new product. Inevitably, this led to confusion and lively discussion.

This new iPad itself has a number of advantages: a faster processor with A5X that utilizes quad core graphics, sharper picture quality of HDTV with the retina display 2048 x 1536 pixels - the equivalent of 3.1 million pixels, and a 5MP camera with auto- exposure and auto-focus.

Although looks are similar to the iPad 2, but the new iPad is a little bit thicker and heavier. For the battery performance is still the same as before.

The new iPad also offers connectivity features of LTE for 4G cellular networks with more expensive price. 'New iPad Price' more expensive of 100 GBP of the basic price of 399 GBP for 16GB, 479 GBP for the 32GB, and 559 GBP for the 64GB.

Other features offered in this new iPad, among others, the IOS operating system 5.1, voice dictation, Siri (especially for Japan and Australia). Apple on the occasion also announced the latest update of Apple TV.

According to reports, Apple itself will market the new iPad on March 16, 2012. Until now, the iPad which has been sold since its launch total has reached 55 million units.
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